
A self-contained force-to-be-reckoned-with, Cat Loewen leaves her stamp on every track she’s a part of- whether that means belting the high notes, programming drums, or creating a three dimensional soundscape. She feels responsible for every aspect of the creative process, so she’s spent the past five years perfecting the ability to contribute to all of it.

Known also by her producer/mixer moniker, Kisâvox (kee-sáh-vo), Cat Loewen hails from down south, having spent 21 years in the same house in ATL before delving head first into the LA music scene. Her words describe it best: “I realized that the collaborators I wanted were on the West Coast, so I packed up a U-Haul and left. Just like anybody else, though, I live between the road ahead and the rear-view mirror.” She’s an Atlanta native at heart- finding a balance between her life in SoCal and life back home, the constant inspiration and reference for the music she creates, and the relationships that act as braces to pull the two ends of the country together.

But things are looking forward, now more than ever. Since living in California, a ground swell has begun to form among those who share Cat’s love of thoughtful lyricism, experimentation, and the unexpected. Can music taste like regret? Can it taste like anything? She thinks so, and she’s made it a point to convince everybody else. Her music has texture, stemming out of influences ranging from Outkast to Tool. She credits this wide diversity for the soul that trembles at the heart of every song she writes. Now, she’s hard at work weaving the tapestry that she hopes will reflect it.